Pax Excavation Inc

100-135 av Saint-Jacques, Saint-Raymond, QC G3L 3Y4
Telephone: 418-337-7956

Pax Excavation inc. - Entrepreneur General - Excavation - Earthworks - Demolition - Roads - Aqueduct - Remblaison - Connection - Empower - Refurbishment - Egout - Septic tank - Bio-B - Bionest - Sale - Transport - Earth - Sand - Gravel - St-Raymond - Quebec

Our company has specialized in all work relating to excavation and earthworks. Pax Excavation inc. In recent years, there is a confidence of many project managers. Here's an overview of the different types of services we offer: general excavation, demolition, road work, aqueduct, sewer, Bio-B septic tank installation, Bionest, sale and transport of land, sand, gravel.