Réno-Dépôt Sherbrooke

3400 Boul Portland, Sherbrooke, QC J1L 2X1
Telephone: 819-829-7662

Réno-Deposit Sherbrooke - Address and opening hours | Reno-filing

On March 31, 1993, the first Réno-Dépôt opened its doors in Brossard, on the South Shore of Montreal. A 128,000 sq. ft. warehouse store with multiple aisles lined with shelves stocking over 35,000 quality items. This is the first warehouse targeting the renovation market in Quebec. Nothing can compare to it in the retail trade in Quebec; all the other stores are then typical neighborhood hardware stores, with or without a lumberyard. This first warehouse store aims to offer the largest selection of home improvement and gardening items at truly unbeatable prices. Every time you turn a corner you are surprised by the incredible amount of merchandise on offer. Everyone finds what they are looking for, from the handyman to the entrepreneur.